Veterinary Pop-Up clinic to help large animal health | Features

Veterinary Pop-Up clinic to help large animal health | Features

Across Kentucky, limited access to large animal veterinarians has posed a significant challenge for livestock farmers. The few large animal veterinarians providing services in the Bullitt County area have limited time or longer travel distances and charge higher fees.

To help reduce the cost and burden of finding a quality veterinarian, the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service in Bullitt County partnered with Jewett Borden’s Cedar Creek Beef Company to establish a recurring series of routine veterinarian visits in the county.

Local livestock owners were offered 1-hour appointments with Dr. Alex Hagan of Ironsides Animal Health, a regional mobile veterinarian who primarily services large herds in Bullitt and surrounding counties. Borden requires a few hours of veterinarian work twice a year but because of standard procedures has to pay for a full day visit by the veterinarian.

The Bullitt County Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Agent jumped on the opportunity to allow other livestock owners to use the veterinarian for the last several hours.

This situation allowed farmers to split the cost of the farm visit, use Borden’s handling facilities, exchange ideas, and help each other with livestock handling, saving everyone money, time and effort.

During the first clinic in April 2023, Hagan provided care to 129 head of cattle and 2 horses belonging to 3 farmers. The veterinarian also allowed four local FFA students to watch and participate in castration, branding, ultrasounds, pregnancy checks, deworming, floating teeth, and hoof care to gain experience and encourage them to return to Bullitt County after Veterinary School.

In October 2023, the veterinarian attended to 147 head of cattle, 3 horses, and 1 donkey belonging to 5 farmers. During this second visit, one of the FFA students who graduated and left for university came home for a long weekend with another pre-veterinary student to help out with the wide range of veterinary services. They helped mentor two current FFA students who also participated.

During the third clinic in April 2024, Hagan attended to animals from 3 farms totaling 135 head of cattle, including one bull who received a breeding soundness exam. Two additional farmers and several FFA students attended to learn more and have some hands-on training in cattle health.

This program will continue to reduce the burden on livestock producers, increase collaboration, provide hands-on learning opportunities for pre-veterinary students, and enhance the health and wellbeing of Bullitt County’s livestock.

If you are having trouble getting a large animal veterinary visit scheduled, please sign up to bring livestock to participate in our next Pop-Up Veterinary Clinic on Sept 27, 2024. We can accommodate approx. 25 head of livestock (cattle, sheep, goats) per hour using Cedar Creek’s excellent handling facilities for easy unloading, handling, and loading at 936 Forest Hill Road, Shepherdsville. You only pay $25/hr. plus standard charges per head for services performed. Services include deworming, vaccination, ultrasounds, pregnancy checks, semen checks, castration, dehorning, ear tagging, hoof checks, and more. Cattle, Sheep, and Goats welcome.

Call Bullitt County Cooperative Extension to reserve a time slot or express interest at 502-543-2257.

Date and Time: Sept 27, 2024, All Day (RSVP to reserve a time)

Location: Cedar Creek Beef Company, 936 Forest Hill Road, Shepherdsville, KY

RSVP: Call Bullitt County Cooperative Extension to reserve a time slot or express interest at 502-543-2257
