Protective equipment and animal germs

Protective equipment and animal germs
Protective equipment and animal germs

I’ve previously written about personal protective equipment (“PPE”) for dairy farm workers in the context of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI).  Personal protective gear such as face masks and goggles, along with the typical water-resistant aprons and boots, has been recommended to protect the health of workers as they care for potentially infected cows – helping to minimize their risk of becoming infected with the virus themselves.   

It’s not just workers facing HPAI that utilize protective gear every day, though.  Almost everyone working around farm animals utilizes some type of personal protective equipment.  Granted, sometimes the only “protection” desired from coveralls and boots is protection of people’s clothes and shoes from manure, slobber, and other livestock-based excretions.  Astute producers, however, also know how those items help keep animals healthy.   
