Emergency Rescue Alert | BC SPCA

Emergency Rescue Alert | BC SPCA

The BC SPCA has rescued 36 Pomeranians who have been exposed to a deadly virus and kept in an airless garage. It’s heart breaking to report yet another case of animals suffering due to irresponsible breeding practices.

These poor innocent animals desperately need your help to give them a chance at life. 

Details are still unfolding, and we don’t know how many of the group will test positive for Parvovirus, the deadly virus they were exposed to. Regardless, we expect the veterinary care for these Pomeranians to be extensive. This is a very serious and often fatal condition. Extreme tiredness, loss of appetite, severe bloating and diarrhea, vomiting and fever are the most common symptoms. The dog’s immune system suffers, and you can see the hope leave their eyes as they feel themselves weakening. It would break any animal lover’s heart to see a dog in this condition. You can imagine how hard it is for the dedicated staff who are caring for these sweet souls 24/7 right now.

Sadly we’ve already lost two puppies who were too sick to fight the virus. All of this could have been avoided with vaccination. Frustratingly, these poor puppies were deprived of their chance against the virus from the beginning. 

No animal should lose their life due to neglect like this. Even in this dark situation, there may be a ray of light to be found. Will your loving heart be there to give the rest of this group the best chance possible? While there is no guarantee of full recovery for those who have been exposed, with your love beside them these puppies and dogs will have hope of pulling through. 

Aside from exposure to life-threatening Parvovirus, these dogs have resiliently struggled through many other hardships already. The garage where they were kept cooped up together had no ventilation or fresh air; it stank unbearably of diarrhea. Flies circled the food dishes or lay lifeless in the contaminated bowls. Some dogs have been forced to stand directly on wire caging with no flooring, and the majority had nothing more than a hard concrete floor with a small patch of wood shavings to lie on. No sign of enrichment, comfort, or anything to give these dogs a sense of safety or love. 

The most heartbreaking for Animal Protection Officers was finding a day-old puppy in a wire guinea pig cage with no bedding for comfort, separated from its mum and her life-giving milk. This was no place for any animal to live, let alone mothers and their young ones. 

This is a large group of animals who need urgent, round-the-clock care to give them a fighting chance against the deadly virus some are living with. In addition, three of the dogs arrived pregnant and one is ready to give birth any day now.

We don’t know what the future holds for these precious souls, but we do know that they are finally in the right place to get the dedicated care they need. They finally have the loving kindness of people like you to ensure they are given the best chance possible. 

Please share your caring generosity with these Pomeranians today. Right now, they are relying on strangers like you to show them that there is kindness in this world.

*in the extraordinary case where funds raised go above and beyond the needs of this group, your loving kindness will help the next animal in need
