Duval County Health Department issues blue-green algae alert

Duval County Health Department issues blue-green algae alert
Duval County Health Department issues blue-green algae alert

The Florida Department of Health in Duval County has issued its first blue-green algae health alert in nearly two years for the St. Johns River, according to its website.

Friday the department warned residents and visitors about the presence of harmful blue-green algae toxins in response to a water sample taken Monday.

“The public should exercise caution in and around the St. Johns River near Mandarin Point,” the Health Department said.

The Duval County Health Department issued a blue-green algae health alert Friday in and around the St. Johns River near Mandarin Point.

It is the same area off Mandarin Road where its last two alerts were issued in June and September 2022, according to past news releases.

What does the Duval County Health Department advise about blue-green algae?

  • Do not drink, swim, wade, use personal watercrafts, or come into contact with waterswhere there is a visible bloom.
  • Wash your skin and clothing with soap and water if you have any contact with algae, ordiscolored or water that smells unpleasant.
  • Keep pets and livestock away from the area to avoid any contact with water. Waterswhere algae blooms are present are not safe for animals. Pets and livestock should usean alternative source of water when algae blooms are present.
  • Do not cook or clean dishes with water contaminated by algae blooms. Boiling the waterwill not eliminate toxins.
  • Eating fillets from healthy fish caught in freshwater lakes experiencing blooms is safe.Rinse fish fillets with tap or bottled water, throw out the guts, and cook fish thoroughly.
  • Do not eat shellfish in waters with algae blooms.
