Dog training program begins at Armstrong County Jail | News
KITTANNING – The PAWSitive Changes program is officially underway, as Luna, a three-year-old beagle mix, entered the Armstrong County Jail last week.
Luna is the first dog enrolled in the county’s prison-based dog training program that pairs inmates and shelter dogs to train and prepare them for adoption. It is a partnership between the Armstrong County Jail and Orphans of the Storm (OOTS).
The animal shelter provides dogs, focusing on long-time animals or those needing extra attention.
Luna has been waiting more than a year for a home. She was found wandering on a lonesome road March 23, 2023. Her owners turned her over for rehoming. She, and other animals, are available for adoption through Orphans of the Storm. More information can be found online at
On the first day of the new program, a tail-wagging and smiling Luna was escorted to her new quarters to meet her new handlers, Ryan Crissman and Jamie Cathers. They will be mentored by the program’s head trainer, Sara Burk, owner of Burk’s Dog Training.
Luna then investigated her new home: the gymnasium housing her large kennel and doghouse, and a special, sizeable outside play area that had been constructed especially for her. It boasts dog jumps and weave poles for her energetic nature and possible agility training.
Next, Luna was escorted to intake where she was booked and pawprinted. Her tail and smile never stopped as she bestowed kisses to the welcoming staff.
Burk is volunteering her time for the program. After adopting her first dog from Orphans of the Storm 11 years ago, she was introduced to her now-career of training dogs after taking an obedience class with him. She owns two rescue dogs and loves to give back to shelter dogs whenever she can. Her website is
“Being the first county jail in Pennsylvania to implement this initiative has been rewarding and exciting. It has been my pleasure putting together this pilot program that we can all be proud of and benefit from in Armstrong County,” Armstrong County Jail Warden Jessica Hicks said. “The entire jail staff has been remarkable in showing their efforts for this program to succeed. I thank everyone for their support and patience during this new journey in unmarked territory for county jails in our commonwealth.
“This program has already shown a ‘PAWSitive’ impact on our inmates involved and our first dog, Luna. I look forward to seeing the difference we can make with future inmates and dogs with our partnership with OOTS,” said Hicks.