Animal Health Matters: Examining dog bite behavior

Animal Health Matters: Examining dog bite behavior
Animal Health Matters: Examining dog bite behavior

Kids hugging dogs. A true expression of the human-animal bond. On the scale of adorable-ness, those pictures are usually at the high end of the scale.

Well, that’s what I used to think. Recently, our veterinary association sponsored a meeting that featured a companion animal behavior specialist. She spoke about body language in dogs and cats, with great pictures and visual aids to illustrate her subject.

It was her pictures and videos of kids hugging dogs that I remember most; even more so her careful observation and play-by-play of the body language demonstrated by the animal.

Her overarching message? Dogs don’t like to be hugged. Sure, some of them tolerate it – but that doesn’t necessarily mean they like it. Her analysis was that, while people enjoy and get an emotional boost from being hugged, for dogs that hug simply represents immobilization, stress and anxiety. In extreme cases this anxiety can lead to aggression and biting – a devastating situation for a little kid who just wanted to show a dog some love.
